Stanislava Kuzmova, Ana Marinković, Trpimir Vedriš

Cuius patrocinio tota gaudet regio. Saints Cults and the Dynamics of Regional Cohesion: Bibliotheca Hagiotheca - Series Colloquia III

  • Godina izdanja: 2014.
  • Format: 15,5x23,5c
  • Stranica: 464
  • Uvez: Meki
  • ISBN: 978-953-56205-2-5
23,36 € 29,20 € 20.00%

Kratki opis

Hrvatsko hagiografsko društvo „Hagiotheca“ osnovano je 2004. i otad okuplja zainteresirane stručnjake u okviru niza međunarodnih znanstvenih skupova. Plodove izlaganja i diskusija Društvo objavljuje u sklopu svoje biblioteke Hagiotheca, u nizu Colloquia. Zbornik sadrži radove Četvrte hagiografske konferencije organizirane u Dubrovniku, od 18. do 21. listopada 2012. u suradnji Hrvatskog hagiografskog društva “Hagiotheca” i sastavnica kolaborativnog projekta Symbols that Bind and Break Communities. Saints’ Cults as Stimuli and Expressions of Local, Regional, National and Universalist Identities (2010-2013) poduprtog od strane programa EuroCORECODE Europske znanstvene zaklade (European Science Foundation), osobito suradnika na odsjeku za srednjovekovne studije Srednjoeuropskog sveučilišta u Budimpešti (Central European University). Na skupu je sudjelovalo pedesetak izlagača tako da je voluminozan zbornik, iako tekstovi mnogih izlagača u njemu nisu zastupljeni, svjedočanstvo o uspješnom i nadahnjujućem skupu. Tema skupa i zbornika jest pitanje uloge svetačkih kultova u oblikovanju prostorno ograničenih (“regionalnih”) kolektivnih identiteta u srednjem i ranom novom vijeku. Citat iz naslova Cuius patrocinio tota gaudet regio dio je liturgijskog himna za sv. Luja IX. iz 14. st.
Saints’ Relics and Community in the Earlier Middle Ages (400-1100)
Thomas Head
1. The Vita Patricii by Tírechán and the Creation of St Patrick’s Nationwide Status in Seventh-Century Ireland
Elizabeth Dawson 1
2. Foreign Saints at Home in Eighth- and Ninth-Century Rome: The Patrocinia of Diaconiae, Xenodochia, and Greek Monasteries
Maya Maskarinec 21
3. Holy Validation: Saints and Scandinavian Bishoprics
Sara Ellis Nilsson 39
4. The Historiae of Saints Oswald and Edmund: Crafting the King’s Image, Defining the Community’s Identity
Sebastián Salvadó 59
5. Inter-Regional and Local Saints’ Cults: Examples of Significant Liturgical Chants from Medieval Region of Istria
Hana Breko Kustura 81
6. The Saints Across the Sea, the Overseas Saints: Cult and Images of St Michael and St Nicholas Between Apulia and Dalmatia in the Middle Ages
Emanuela Elba 91
7. Episcopal Hagiography, Territorial Cohesion, and Memory in Southern Medieval France. The Case of the Diocese of Mende
Fernand Peloux 109
8. Magdalena Praedicatrix and Other Provençal Cults: A Dialogue in Images Between Universal and Regional Identity
Anne Doustaly 133
9. Patrocinia Multa Erant Habentes: State, Parrocchia, and Colony – Relic Acquisition in Medieval Venice
Ana Munk 153
10. Unity by Diversity: Private Chapels, Church Architecture, and Concepts of Political Cohesion in Medieval Naples
Nicolas Bock 193
11. The Multiple Regional Identity of a Neapolitan Queen. Mary of Hungarys Readings and Saints
Dávid Falvay 211
12. The Development of Devotion to Saint Anthony Between Localism and Universalism
Eleonora Lombardo 231
13. Shepherd of His Flock, Guardian of the Polis: The Geography of Regional Identity as Expressed in the Dedications of Churches
Graham Jones 253
14. Dorothea of Montau (†1394): Remarks on the Cult and the Iconographic Tradition of a Teutonic Knights’ Expelees’ and Poles’ Saint
Marco Bogade 271
15. The High-Altarpieces in the Hanseatic City of Rostock in Northern Germany: A Hagiographic Approach to the Creatation of Collective Identities
Kathrin Wagner 285
16. Saintly Patrons, Their Altarpieces, and Regional Identities in Medieval Scepusia
Ivan Gerát 297
17. From “Adoption” to “Appropriation”: The Chronological Process of Accommodating the Holy Hungarian Kings in the Noble Millieus of Late Medieval Hungary
Doina Elena Crăciun 313
18. One Town’s Saint is Another’s Worst Nightmare: Saints Cults and Regional Identity in Medieval and Early Modern Russia’s Upper Volga Region
Isolde Thyret 335
19. Memory and Identity: Recycling of the Historical and Geographical Knowledge in Martyrium Sancti Arethae et Sociorum in South Slavic Context
Diana Atanassova 351
20. How Did an Eulogia Brought from Jerusalem in the Sixth Century Assist in Promoting Davit-Gareji Cave Monasteries to Regional Caucasian Significance
Lado Mirianashvili 369
21. The Cult of Spain’s Regional Saints in Counter-Reformation Madrid
Juan Luis González García 377
22. Sulla venerazione dell’immagine della Madonna di Sinj nel XVIII secolo e sul processo di trasformazione dal suo status dal simbolo antiturco al simbolo di identità nazionale
Ivana Prijatelj Pavičić 389
23. Natales Divo Ladislavo Restituti: “Nationalization“ of St Ladislaus in the Seventeenth-Century Croatia
Zrinka Blažević 411
24. Rational Clergy and Irrational Laity: An Eighteenth- Century Biography of St Blasius in the Service of State Promotion
Relja Seferović 425
Concluding Remarks
Sainthood, Patronage and Region
Gábor Klaniczay 441
Contributors 455